Mental health is broadly defined as an individual’s state of mind or emotional well-being. It influences our interactions with both the world around us and other people. In general, people with a high level of mental health are able to function normally in their daily lives. Those suffering from mental illness experience some level of dysfunction in their everyday life and may find it difficult to cope with day-to-day tasks and responsibilities.

A person’s mental health can also be affected by their environment. Someone struggling due to abuse at home or bullying at school might struggle more than they would otherwise if they were not affected by these issues.


Mental illness can result from many different causes:

Normal day-to-day stresses and difficulties can play a part in mental illness, but some mental illnesses are thought to be caused by biochemical problems within the brain. This means the brain is not working as it should, and there may be a genetic predisposition to the condition.

There could also be environmental factors that influence the onset of mental health issues. For instance, someone who regularly drinks alcohol or uses drugs may suffer withdrawal symptoms such as depression if they suddenly stop taking these substances, thus causing them to become unwell.

The reverse of this situation could also cause someone to become depressed. Someone who is unwell might be prescribed drugs that could make them feel worse, thus producing a vicious circle.


The symptoms of mental illness can vary widely from person to person. Someone suffering from OCD, for instance, will have their own individual obsessions and compulsions. The main symptom of OCD is repetitive, unwanted thoughts which can trigger repetitive behaviors.

They may also avoid certain situations or experiences because they fear they will not be able to cope with the situation – this may include situations such as public speaking if they suffer from a social anxiety disorder.

They may also feel the need to follow a rigid routine that is opposite to their normal way of life.

People with major depression, on the other hand, will often be withdrawn and sad. They often do not feel like they fit into normal social situations and may find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning – this usually leads them to accumulate a lot of debt or start abusing drugs or alcohol to escape their problems.